Case Study

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Delishh cookies

Brand & Website design

Delishh Cookies, a brand known for its "silence-worthy cookies," needed a memorable brand identity and an engaging website.

‍🎯Project Goal:
To develop a distinctive and playful brand identity that stands out among competitors while creating an engaging online experience that promotes the brand's personality and facilitates easy purchases.

‍👏Project Scope:

Brand Identity:
Designed the visual identity, incorporating characters representing each cookie flavour to add personality and appeal. The branding strategy aimed to align with the playful message of "silence-worthy cookies," creating a memorable and engaging customer experience.

‍Website Design: The website was designed to:
‍Promote Brand Personality: Showcase the playful and unique nature of Delishh Cookies through creative visuals and storytelling.
‍Educate Customers: Provide information about the brand's backstory and the unique qualities of the cookies.
‍E-commerce Functionality: Enable direct purchases from the site and provide a store locator for finding local retailers.

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🗒️Project Research:
Research was conducted on competitor websites and current market trends in the skincare industry. This included:
‍Competitor Analysis: Studying other cookie brands to understand their visual and online strategies.
‍Market Trends: Keeping up with trends in food branding and e-commerce to ensure a contemporary and appealing design.
‍Customer Insights: Understanding what appeals to Delishh's target audience, focusing on visual appeal and ease of use.

⚙️Design Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator for branding elements and Figma for web design.

The new branding and website effectively communicated Delishh Cookies' playful and unique character, enhancing customer engagement and brand recognition. The user-friendly design and engaging content helped build a loyal customer base and increased online sales

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