Case Study

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Zerene Skincare

Brand & Website design

Zerene Skincare is a natural skincare line that emphasises cleansing, moisturising, nourishing, and protection. They needed to create a cohesive brand identity and an engaging online presence.

‍🎯Project Goal:
The primary objective was to create an online experience that is engaging and stands out from competitors while maintaining a minimalistic and modern aesthetic. The branding needed to communicate the natural and pure essence of Zerene's products, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

‍👏Project Scope:

Brand Identity: This included designing a logo, color palette, typography, and overall visual style that conveys purity and simplicity. The goal was to create a recognisable and trustworthy brand that appeals to health-conscious young consumers.

‍Website Design: The website was crafted to be an extension of the brand’s ethos, offering an intuitive and visually appealing experience. Key features included:

‍Educational Content: Informative sections about the benefits of natural skincare ingredients and how they work.

‍Product Showcase: High-quality images and detailed descriptions of products to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

‍E-commerce Functionality: A seamless shopping experience with easy navigation, secure payment options, and quick checkout.

‍Retail Locator: A feature allowing customers to find local retailers that carry Zerene products, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

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🗒️Project Research:
Research was conducted on competitor websites and current market trends in the skincare industry. This included:

‍Competitor Analysis: Identifying strengths and weaknesses of competitor sites to find opportunities for Zerene to stand out.

‍Market Trends: Understanding the latest trends in web design, user experience, and e-commerce to ensure the site meets contemporary standards and user expectations.

‍Customer Preferences: Gathering insights into what target customers value most in a skincare brand and website, such as ease of use, informative content, and aesthetic appeal.

⚙️Design Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator for branding elements and Figma for web design.

The new branding and website successfully conveyed Zerene's story, built a community, and provided an effective platform for sales. The minimalistic and modern design stood out in the market, attracting health-conscious consumers and fostering trust in the brand. The intuitive and engaging online experience helped increase customer engagement and satisfaction.

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