Case Study

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Brand & Website design

Bubblé Kombucha, aiming to disrupt the non-alcoholic beverage industry, create a premium brand identity and a sophisticated website. The brand targets a health-conscious audience aged 20 to 40, emphasising the benefits of socialising without compromising physical and mental well-being.

🎯Project Goal:
To develop a premium, visually engaging brand identity and an online presence that highlights Bubblé Kombucha's unique value proposition while standing out in a competitive market.

👏Project Scope:

Brand Identity: create a visual identity featuring swirl movements symbolising active probiotics and social connections. The tagline "Crafted for Connection" encapsulates the brand's essence.Logo and Visual Elements: Designed to be modern, clean, and evocative of the brand's health-focused message.Colour Palette and Typography: Chosen to reflect sophistication and vitality, appealing to the target demographic.

Website Design: The website was crafted to:
Educate and Engage: Provide detailed information about the health benefits of kombucha and the brand’s unique offerings.

E-commerce Functionality: Facilitate online purchases with an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

Social Connectivity: Encourage community and connection through integrated social media and interactive content.

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🗒️Project Research:
Research was conducted on competitor websites and current market trends in the skincare industry. This included:

Competitor Analysis: Studying other kombucha and non-alcoholic beverage brands to identify gaps and opportunities.

Market Trends: Keeping abreast of trends in health and wellness branding and digital marketing strategies.

Customer Insights: Understanding the preferences and behaviors of the target demographic to create a resonant and engaging brand experience.

⚙️Design Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator for branding elements and Figma for web design.

The new branding and website effectively communicated Bubblé Kombucha's premium and health-focused message, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

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